Monday, August 17, 2009


I am a Hindu. Values, beliefs, obligations and behaviour-pattern imbibed and absorbed from my parents, family and society have all contributed in determining and distilling my beliefs and have shaped my world-view. I believe that each one of us has the potential to realise and experience that universal GOD in being rigorously true to ones value system. As a Hindu I have no issues with people of other faiths and persuasions as all their paths would also lead to the same Ultimate provided they live by the essential precepts of their religion rather than squabbling over it.

My belief in one Universal God in no way clashes with the myriads of gods in the Hindu Pantheon. In my view, the sages of yore in order to drive their point home of the universality and omnipresence of godliness in every object on earth had resorted to allegory and symbolism. Good, bad, ugly, grotesque or seemingly-evil all of them have the same godliness hence find a place among the pantheon of Hindu gods.

My Hindu belief stands for becoming a good human being who values truth, honesty, constant self examination and compassion over any dogma driven holier-than-thou exclusivity. Being true to my beliefs has given me equanimity and a resolved unconflicted approach towards seemingly dichotomous situations.